Android L:What's that..??

Google has recently disclosed there new version of android and that's Android L.
KitKat was so awesome that nobody thought of a new android release this early,but its Google.
So there are many people talking about this new version of android which has not been named yet,its gonna get an awesome name thats for sure..!!I wonder how does Google come up with such interesting names like Jelly Bean,Donut,Eclair,Ginger Bread etc. 

Kitkat inherited some features from its previous version and it became a grand hit.So everyone's excited about this new version of android and here are some awesome features of this new android version:


Android is known for its minimal and clean UI and Android L delivers it extremely well.So the new UI has some interesting features like the change of icons in the navigation bar the recents have also been modified and a card stack UI has been introduced which i don't think is a good option because to get a particular app you need to scroll all the way and then jump into it so its a bit tedious but some of them may like it.Its my personal opinion


A major change seen in android L is the notification panel so its completely different that its earlier version and i like it.
While you are in your lockscreen new notifications show up in the middle of the screen and you can expand them there to get a full view.Now thats quite helpful.Also the notification panel is modified and given a minimalistic  look.You have toogles which provide you with great functionality like turning the wifi, bluetooth on and off ,controlling the brightness and one important addition is the auto rotate toggle which many people (including me) will find where much useful.


The dialer is one of the element which is widely customized by all the mobile manufacturers but the stock dialer by google is really stunning.People who like minimalistic design will find it amazing.While all the Phone UI is based on White and Gray the dialer is a bit different.The numbers are blue and when you toch them the respond by a bluish white ripple animation which looks sick..! The dial pad is white and the tab highlighter is yellowish.Google was really being colorful over there..!!


The new android L will be released this fall and will be running on all nexus devices also other manufactures like HTC,Motorola will be updating there products with Android L.Currently Motorola has a thought on giving update to MotoX and MotoG and HTC will be updating the M8 and M7 with this new OS.


Google has provided its users with stunning UIs in the past and it seems they will continue doing it in the future as well.This new advancement in Android is fascinating and google makes the android experience far more awesome.The new design reflects the efforts taken by the designers at google to provide the user with a UI with both more functionality and simplicity.Thats rare to find these days.So Kudos google!

Image courtesy:Anand Tech

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