App Review:Mysearch

The Google app store is flooded with many apps,but you need to know which app comes in real use during our day to day life.I searched the app store and came out with an amazing app and thats Mysearch.
Its a utility based app and finds its use in everyday life, and believe me it is awesome..!!


One of the most important element for any app is its UI,the UI should be user friendly and as far as my opinion is concerned this app has it.The UI is quite simple and informative.You can scroll sideways to reveal other aspects like the the Chat room,Favorites etc.Certain areas are still not active but will be made available in future.

So once you open the app you land on a search page where you can search for places like schools,banks,hospitals etc.
You also have a voice command option which works really well.
Another feature which i found useful is the sorting of results.This app will provide you the option of sorting of results based on 2 important things The User rating and the distance,which i think is quite helpful.

I like this app and i am impressed by it overall UI and performance.But there is always room for progress.
The animation and transitions aren't that buttery smooth but its their 1st attempt and these can be fixed through updates.
Also the  UI can be made a bit more attractive and there are other small things which can be fixed for more fluidic functionality.
Another thing is it works in certain parts of India but soon it will be expanding its database, so hang on.
I am eagerly waiting for the next update and hope that the developers fix these bugs which will increase the app's functionality and save user's time..!!

So go ahead and check it out and let me know what do you think about it in the comments section below. 

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