4 unsolved internet mysteries that you probably didn't know

I bet everyone has heard of some creepy ghost story in their life. You might have doubts about its legitimacy.

There are some creepy things on the internet that are without a doubt true.


It's a Sub Reddit which has posts containing numbers and alphabets.The posts appears to be written in  hexadecimal.Many have tried to decode the message.It became so popular that a dedicated sub Reddit was made to decrypt these encoded messages.The owner of this mysterious Sub Reddit is still unknown.

Here's a link to the latest post (posted about an hour ago)

Markovian Parallax Denigrate

Arguably the most interesting internet mystery of all times.In 1996, a community on the internet was hit by hundreds of spam messages which were a  collection of random words.But the message didn't mean anything.Each of these spam messages had the same heading "Markovian Parallax Denigrate".No one was able to decode those messages and these messages still remain a mystery.


973-eht-namuh-973 is a website.It's landing page shows an array of alphabets.It was created in 2003 and up till now no one has been able to figure out what does it really mean.

Link to the site: Link 
[Note: Click on the provided link at your own risk.]

Internet Black Hole

You might have heard of black holes.There are Internet black holes as well.
It was observed by web analysts that digital information disappeared into something.This something is termed as an internet black hole.

Matter which enters the back hole never comes out similarly data entering an internet black hole can never be retrieved.

That's it for today!
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