The 5 Thinger:Android Lollipop

Yes its official!
Android 5.0  is LOLLIPOP.

So why upgrade to LOLLIPOP.
Lets dive in.

1.User Interface


Stock Android is beautiful and so is the Android 5.0.
Its not a huge overhaul in terms of design but there are some changes which  are quite cool.



 Android is know as a battery sucker but Android 5.0 is an exception.
 Google claims that 15 min charge will power the phone for  6 hours standby.

3.Material Design


In Google I/O 2014 Google introduced a new concept, Material Design.
Android 5.0 has incorporated this whole concept and already Google has rolled out some material design apps which look quite unique.



Android  5.0 runs on ART.So whats ART? ART stands for Android Runtime.
ART provides more fluid animations @60 fps.So with increased frame rate you get more fluidity in transitions which looks and feels great.So no more dalvik support from android.



Many of you may be familiar with this,the way Android 5.0 handles notifications is quite different.New Notifications are displayed on the lock screen and it looks great!

Thanks for reading!

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